Monthly Archives: May 2011

Filesystem checks on a Hetzner Server

Ever wondered how to schedule an automatic file system check on the next reboot of your linux server? This is how you do it.

Following the information given by everflux create a forcefsck file in your root directory:

 touch /forcefsck

And if you have a hetzner server, please be advised that this work only if you have changed your pass statements for the relevant partitions from 0 to 1 (root partition) or 2 (other). Otherwise, your request for a filesystem check will be ignored.

PS: Personal note, of course 🙂

Plone 4 – Issues & Migration to 4.1

Some issues encountered while testing Plone 4

  1. Visual editing with TinyMCE: Inserting a thumbnail of an image while automatically adding a link to the image (full size or just /view) needs two or three manual steps. This could be changed – possibly – in ploneimage.js
  2. TinyMCE: Adding an object statement manually via the html code will also add some showave/flash statement which I do not want if I create an embedded slideshow.
  3. The batchi size used for the thumbnail view is not configurable via site properties, see these bugs: #8115, #11201
  4. prettyPhoto, see: this bug report (rejected), this bug report (solved)


  1. Content Rules are great! Really.

Note: If Plone Captchas is expected to be used with Plone Comments, for proper behavior you have to install Plone Captchas first, and then Plone Comments.

General Upate Procedure

  • Update builout via “your python”/
  • Change extends line in buildout.cfg to new version
  • Run buildout
  • Fix any errors
  • Enjoy

Update to Plone 4.1 – Notes

  • Needs removal of quintagroup captcha
  • Which means that the comment has to go to and collective.recaptcha and begs the questions about comment migration
  • Shouts about missing ssl module in my /opt/Plone4/../python2.6
    therefore needs to be reistalled via the install script?

Plone 4 Galleries – An Overview

This started as a personal documentation long time ago… may be it is useful for soemeone 🙂

For Plone 4 a bunch of different gallery products are available. Having tested most of them, see the products section, for the following two products were chosen:

As personal documentation and may be as help for other interested users, in the following different usage scenarios for these two products are shown.

Plain Galleries

This is probably the most common and simple use case where a bunch of images residing in a common folder should be shown as gallery. For this purpose, both products provide the corresponding views as shown

  • here for collective.prettyphoto
  • and here for collective.plonetruegallery.

As the album view only shows 12 images on each page (batched), prettyPhoto only shows 12 images at one go. Then you have to select the next page, see this bug report

For plonetruegallery, please see the settings tab (display type: highside or Fancy Box)

Handling Individual Images

Often, on an indivdual page, small images are shown which are then linked to the full size version which, when clicked, show up some enlarged lightbox overlay. For this purpose, on the functionality offered by collective.prettyPhoto is used where two different approaches are avaiabele

Rel Statement

Either use the approach mentioned in the prettyphoto documentation and add a rel=prettyPhoto argument to your href statement as follows

<a href="path/to/image/fullsize" rel="prettyPhoto">Title for the Link</a>

and you get:

  • Example

Css Statement

Alternatively, you can mark your href statement and use the css class prettyPhoto prodived by prettyPhoto for this purpose. Your html code hence looks as follows

<a title="PrettyPhoto Overlay Test for Single Image Using a CSS Class" 
class="prettyPhoto" href="path/to/image/fullsize">Example</a>

and results in:

Galleries for Multiple Images

If the page contains multiple images, you might want to show a gallery overlay where you can browse through such a set of images. For this purpose prettyPhoto offers an solution as follows:

<a href=/path/to/image1/fullsize" rel="prettyPhoto[ImageSetName]">Image 1</a> 
<a href=/path/to/image2/fullsize" rel="prettyPhoto[ImageSetName]">Image 2</a>

Here, a set of images is defined by the statement rel=”prettyPhoto[galleryName]”. In a single page, different independent sets of images can be defined. Upon calling a single link, prettyPhoto presents a navigation over all images of the selected set.

  • Example:
    Image 1 Image 2

Tip: If you want only a single visible image yet would like to present a navigation over multiple images, add the other links with empty <a > tags or with blanks.

Links to Complete Galleries

Assume that you have a folder with a set of images somewhere in your site that you want to link to. As a result, you would like to see some gallery overlay (lightbox style) when you activate this link. Herefore, with the products described two different solutions are possible.


Link to the folder containing the images. Here, the user can start the overlay gallery manually


Use the @@placegalleryview view provided by collective.plonetruegallery while using the prettyPhoto overlay IFrame. This can be done as follows

<a class="prettyPhotoIframe" href="/path/to/image/folder/@@placegalleryview">Link Name</a>

which gives:

Embedding Galleries

Finally, embedding a gallery representation in a page is currently not supported by prettyPhoto. Personally, I doubt that this is feasible, as prettyPhoto mandated that for all images links are present somehwere on the page.

Yet, there is collective.plonetruegallery to the rescue.

<object data="/path/to/image/folder/@@placegalleryview" height="400"  width="500">
<param name="data" value="/path/to/image/folder" />

And don’t forget to update safe_html as mentioned in the documentation. Namely, change the following

  • nasty_tags: object = 0
  • valid_tags: object = 1, param = 1


  • prettyPhoto: Currently, a plonetruegallery overlay linking to a complete set of images (Example) may lead to nasty scrollbars. This is due to prettyPhoto.js script not adhering to the prettyPhoto properties defined in portal_properties (width, height), see this bug report.
    ><b>Update 201107/13: It seems this issue can be solved by updating the css registry, see the this bug report.
  • prettyPhoto: Find a way to directly embed the prettyPhoto view into a page without referencing all the other images somehow. Maybe use the API and provide the list of images as argument. This list could be populated by javacscript somehow…

On towards Plone 4

Yes, is now running with Plone 4.

As the database of this site dates back to the Plone 2.0.x, this required quite some preparatory work. But after some initial fiddling around everything worked out quite nicely, as can be seen in my upgrade notes. Also, the skin was updated to incorporate some changes required for plone 4 compatibility, see the svn repository

And now? Well, we have a current and up-to-date system where things like improved galleries (collective.prettyphoto for single galleries and collective.plonetruegallery for inline galleries, see the hidden features section) will actually work. We will see.

What a Wonderful Day

Sonne, ein leichter Wind, die Heringsangler. Und die die Vagel Griep auf ihrem Übergangsplatz bis zur weiteren Verwertung. So kann ein Freitag abend ausklingen.