Summary of the installtion of Open-Xchange 0.8 on Redhat Enterprise Linux 3 (RHEL3).
This document is not a complete HowTo or installation manual but only describes the issues I had while installing OX on RHEL 3.
Mainly, for the installation I used the following manuals:
What I did was that I followed the steps from the excellent Gentoo manual. For redhat specific steps the redhat 9 manual was used.
Note: There is no smtp and imap server installed on the machine; these installation steps were skipped.
Base Software
Most of the software required for OX can be fetched from one or the other of the RHEL-3-extra channels.
Additional software:
- Perl: All perl modules I fetched via CPAN – perl -MCPAN -e shell and then e.g. install Net::SSLeay)
- Javamail: Download from here and copy mail.jar from the archive to /usr/share/java/javamail.jar
Configuration of Base Software
- Postgres: Follow the instructions in the Redhat9 tutorial
- Apache for Tomcat: Use the Redhat9 instructions
Ldap: I used the slapd.conf from Redhat9 tutorial and added:
*include /<ox_install_dir/etc/acl_ox.conf
to the end of the file. The acl_ox.conf defines access rights for variuous components. Currently, I use a reduced config file copied from some suse tutorial.
access to dn.base="" by * read access to dn.base="cn=Subschema" by * read # userPassword access to attr=userPassword by self =w by anonymous auth by * none # AddressBook access to dn.subtree="o=AddressBook,ou=OxObjects,dc=ox-server,dc=de" by group.exact="cn=AddressAdmins,o=AddressBook,ou=OxObjects,dc=ox-server,dc=de" write by users read by * none # default rule allowing users full access to their own entries access to * by self write by users read
OX installation
Configuration was done using the following command:
#!/bin/sh ./configure --prefix=/opt/openxchange \ --enable-webdav \ --with-mailjar=/usr/share/java/javamail/javamail.jar \ --with-activationjar=/usr/share/java/activation.jar\ --with-jdomjar=/usr/share/java/jdom.jar \ --with-xercesjar=/usr/share/java/xerces-j2.jar \ --with-jsdkjar=/usr/share/java/servletapi5.jar \ --with-jdbcjar=/usr/share/java/rh-postgresql3.jar \ --with-dbname=ox_db \ --with-dbuser=ox_user \ --with-dbpass=MYPASS \ --with-dbhost=localhost \ --with-tomcatuser=tomcat \ --with-runuid=tomcat \ --with-rungid=tomcat \ --with-htdocsdir=/var/www/html \ --with-cgibindir=/var/www/cgi-bin \ --with-domain=MYDOMAIN \ --with-organization="MYORGA" \ --with-basedn="dc=MYDOMAIN,dc=de" \ --with-rootdn="cn=Manager,dc=MYDOMAIN,dc=de"
Install the software via make && make install. If you get errors about missing write permissions change the ownership of ox_install_dir/var and subdirectories to tomcat
Finalizing installation
Basically everything important is described in teh Gentoo manual. What I had to do was::
ln -s /usr/bin/java /bin/java
Because of the missing ispell in RHEL 3 I had to disable spellchecking for the webmail component. What I did was:
cd /ox_install_dir/etc/webmail mv spellcheck.cfg spellcheck.cfg.orig touch spellcheck.cfg