For data integrity and security purposes various backup strategies can be used. On automatic incremental backups are used together with manual backup of partitions and relevant directories. In this section an overview over the solutions is given.
Please have a look at this thread for a basic introduction into the topic of backup and backup strategy
Disc Image
A complete image of the system disc, the partition /dev/hda2, can be done using the script /root/bin/ Before the first use please configure the script as needed.
Basically what this script does is read the partition using dd and pipe the compressed and encyrpted output to a file on another machine.
In case of a disc crash the backup can be restorted with the following command:
sh <IP> dd if=/path/to/myHDA2-SAFE | restore -ruvf - && lilo && reboot
Incremental Backups
Incremental backups are done using the backup2L scripts. For detailed information about installation, configuration and usage see this manual.
The zope database is backed up incrementally using the rezopo script. Full weekly backups of the database are done using a cron job. For more information see this bug report.
In addition to the rsynced backups done by the backup2l script a second set of backups is written to an external server via ftp uing ftpsync.
Manual Backups
After important changes manual backups are made using tar.gz. Here, the focus is mainly on storing the relevant configuration information offsite. This includes the following directories: /etc, /root/bin, /opt/ispman.