Automatic stock quote download via QDL

Tired of paying for data feeds to get stock data into quicken? May be QDL might help.

QDL, the quote downloader, is a set of python scripts for the automatic cron-based download of end-of-date quote and stock information. QDL offers a command line interface only.

Run with the symbol to retrieve, the current quote for this stock or fund is retrieved and printed to the command line. Different back end drivers for quote retrieval are available to that a multitude of stocks can be queried. The output format is customizable.

But how to use it? E. g. create a batch file that calls QDL for all quotes you are interest in and let it run every night via a cron job. Redirecting the output via:

  python >> myOutput.log

appends the new information to your file. Later on you can import the gathered data into quicken and other tools.

Voila, no more data subscriptions, but still historical data. More information on the QDL Project Site